That’s So Celiac’s Daily Staples

If you would have asked me a year ago if I would have a well-established vitamin and/or supplement regime, I would have laughed in your face. However, after not feeling the best just adhering to a gluten free diet and lifestyle, I decided to take my health in my own hands, as well as in the hands of my integrative health practitioner, Taylor Sappington. We decided together that there were some tests I needed to do to understand what my body was lacking due to celiac disease.


If celiac is left untreated for a long period, it will eventually cause enough damage to the small bowel that it can no longer properly absorb nutrients aka malabsorption. Some of the most common mineral and vitamin deficiencies in those whom are newly diagnosed and/or have untreated celiac disease are iron 2 , B12, calcium 3, vitamin D, zinc, and copper. So as you can imagine being diagnosed in February 2018 at the age of 26, my body has some significant problems properly absorbing nutrients. The tests I have completed with my integrative health practitioner support that statement as well. Based off my tests, my body needed the following vitamins and/or supplements:


Equilibrium’s Daily Nutritional Support (DNS) Powder:

It is well-established that good nutrition promotes health, while nutritional deficiencies can lead to many chronic diseases. Yet, many people underestimate the importance of achieving proper levels of micronutrients each day. For the human body to complete vital daily tasks, it must be given a wide and complex variety of key micronutrients.


Micronutrients play a role in strengthening immune function and converting food into energy. They detoxify chemicals and medications, and manufacture neurotransmitters, hormones and other key signaling molecules in the body. Micronutrients also maintain tissue repair and cell regeneration. Becoming deficient in any one of these essential vitamins or minerals can create a breakdown metabolic processes that safeguard health.


The Daily Activated Multi offers a blend of hypo-allergenic, multi-vitamin and mineral blend utilized to nutrients to build a healthy micronutrient reserve.


Equilibrium’s Daily Fruit and Vegetables Blend Powder (AKA Digestive Enzymes)

 A thorough digestion of foodstuffs with enzymes prevents foods from being fermented in the gut and the proliferation of "bad" bacteria and yeast at the expense of "good" intestinal bacteria. Another benefit of enzymes is that more nutrition can be derived from food. In addition, regular bowel movements result from this better digestion.

Daily Digestive is specifically designed to support digestion and help unlock more nutrition from food.


Daily Digestive is a comprehensive blend of acid-resistant, plant-based enzymes designed to help maximize the digestion and absorption of nutrients from food.


Equilibrium’s Activated B-Vitamin

This activated, or "methylated" version means that your body is able to use more of it. It also means that there will not be the same type of potential toxic build-up when you use cheaper non-methylated forms such as folic acid; B vitamins are critical for energy production, detoxification, stress buffering.


Equilibrium’s Fish Oil 

Each soft gel contains an unprecedented 1,035 mg of omega-3 oils per soft gel, making it an ideal choice for therapeutic dosing. Plus, it contains the triglyceride (TG) form for better absorption and bioavailability than regular synthetic fish oils. This means you need to take less capsules and you'll get better results! And, the higher amount of EPA lends itself to greater inflammation-mediating properties. All of which are critical for mitigating brain and body Inflammation.


Equilibrium’s Adrenal Soothe 

Adrenal Soothe provides a unique blend of botanicals and nutrients that support the stress response, particularly promoting cortisol balance during the initial alarm phase.


Equilibrium’s Full Spectrum Magnesium 

While magnesium is a widely available mineral in many commonly consumed foods, it is estimated that more than 57% of the population does not meet the minimum requirements for magnesium in their diet. 

Even if you do manage to consume enough magnesium through diet alone, drinking alcohol, coffee, soda, or even too much salt or calcium can negatively affect magnesium levels. These factors, combined with low nutrient levels in the foods we consume, mean that you may not be getting as much magnesium as you need.

Most other magnesium supplements provide a single delivery format, not suited for maximum absorption and uptake. What’s worse is that these formulations often cause gastrointestinal (GI) and stomach distress.  

Also, please be aware that everyone’s body is different even if you have celiac disease as well. I have not added anything to my routine and/or body without completing tests and seeking guidance from a healthcare professional [again, Taylor Sappington]. I know a vitamin and/or supplement regime can seem daunting, but it really is not and has become a non-negotiable for me just like my morning smoothies. I utilize a vitamin/supplement organizer to make it easier to remember when to take each one and for when I am either on the go for the day or traveling!

An example of my regime is below:

Smoothie / Breakfast:

  • DNS

  • Daily Fruit and Vegetable Brand


  • 1 Fish Oil

  • 2 Activated B-Vitamin 


  • 1 Fish Oil

1-Hour Before Bed:


A That’s So Celiac Friend


That’s So Celiac Wedding